Hello. I have following problem. I don’t know how to specify the key for the rule if the value I want to get is an array inside of the array of hashes.
Here is my contract:
class BulkSendContract < Dry::Validation::Contract
params do
required(:send_params).array(:hash) do
rule("send_params").each do
recipients = value[:recipients]
recipients.each do |recipient|
stripped_value = recipient.gsub(/[-()\s]/, '')
key.failure("Fax number '#{recipient}' has invalid format") unless stripped_value =~ /^\+?[0-9]{6,}$/
And the params I send:
send_params = [{ id: 1, recipients: ["2", ["2", "1"]] }]
The params are invalid. Schema expects recipients to be array of Strings, but it has nested array.
I want to make the contract not enter into the rule validating the recipients if schema for recipients is invalid.
With current implementation it enters and because the recipients are not strings, it raises error:
NoMethodError (undefined method `gsub' for ["2", "1"]:Array):
Here is the recreate ruby file with the above problem: Recreate issue with dry-validation · GitHub
I tried to code the rule differently, but I did not find a good way for it.
I would like to have something like this:
rule("send_params[].recipients").each do
stripped_value = value.gsub(/[-()\s]/, '')
key.failure("Fax number '#{recipient}' has invalid format") unless stripped_value =~ /^\+?[0-9]{6,}$/
But it does not ever enter ito the rule block - even if the schema is valid.
If I do:
I get:
BulkSendContract.rule specifies keys that are not defined by the schema: ["send_params.recipients"] (Dry::Validation::InvalidKeysError)