I’m upgrading dry-validation in our app to 1.0 and am running into issues with key path syntax when one of the params is an array. The schema looks like this:
params do
optional(:rooms).array(:hash) do
required(:guests).array(:hash, GuestSchema)
Now if I want to validate for example that number of guests in each room has to be 2 how would I go about writing a rule to catch that? I thought it would be a simple case of rule(rooms: :guests), but that raises rule specifies keys that are not defined by the schema: [{:rooms=>[:guests]}].
Thanks @solnic, but I’m afraid this is something else. The error message is different and the proposed solution doesn’t work for me. I think the difference is that I’m using an array of hashes rather than just a hash.
require 'dry/validation'
class C < Dry::Validation::Contract
params do
optional(:rooms).array(:hash) do
rule(:rooms).each do
key.failure('must have 2 guests') if key? && value[:guests].equal?(2)
contract = C.new
puts contract.call(rooms: [{ guests: [1, 2] }, { guests: [3] }]).errors.to_h.inspect
# {:rooms=>{1=>["must have 2 guests"]}}