Uninitialized constant <AppName>::Import

I’m using dry-rails v. 0.3 and have the following issue: MyAppName::Import constant is uninitialized. I’m not sure if I should do some initialization, the documentation states:

The auto-injection mechanism is also set up for you automatically.
dry-rb - dry-rails v0.1 - Introduction

I have the following configuration:

# config/initializers/system.rb
# frozen_string_literal: true
Dry::Rails.container do
  register(:logger, Logger.new($stdout))

Both files from operations and logger are visible when using MyAppName::Container, for example:


In the app/operations/debug I have the following 2 files:

# app/operations/debug/printer.rb
module Debug
  class Printer
    def print(message)
      puts "Debug::Printer: #{message}"

# app/operations/debug/try_inject.rb
module Debug
  class TryInject
    # This one does not work
    # include ShoperIntegrator::Import['debug.printer']

    def perform
      # This one works
      printer = ShoperIntegrator::Container['debug.printer']

And again, here Container woks perfectly and Import not at all.
Did I missed some configuration step?

Hello @tomaszwojcik!

That constant is now named Deps and can be configured to anything you want by setting config.auto_inject_constant. This change was introduced on 0.2.0.

I think we have an open pull request which updates docs to include this information.

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Works like a charm! Thanks :smile:

Yeah, updated docs would be super nice, the gem is 0.3 now, and docs are for 0.1.

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Hey hey, I just published updated docs for 0.2 and 0.3, so the latest are here https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-rails/0.3/