undefined method 'schema' on reload

I am attempting to integrate Avo into a mature Rails app that already uses dry-rails. When a file is edited and the Avo view refreshed, I get this error:

undefined method 'schema' for FooController:Class

FooController is the first controller that uses the schema method provided by safe_params.

Is it possible that the inclusion of the Dry::Rails::Features::SafeParams module is not being included during dev reload?

Avo is an Engine that uses Zeitwerk to eager_load its classes. This seems to be specific to the combination of dry-rails + dry-schema and Avo, but I’m not sure where the root cause is.

Is it possible that the inclusion of the Dry::Rails::Features::SafeParams module is not being included during dev reload?

Yes and I suspect this is because reloading of external engines is not handled properly. Please report an issue in dry-rails repo.