Just wanted to share an automatic way to register menu items in dry-cli without having to individually register them.
module CLI
class Error < StandardError; end
module Commands
extend Dry::CLI::Registry
MENU = [
{version: {aliases: ["v", "-v", "--version"]}},
{start: {}},
{open: {}},
{test: {}},
{save: {}},
{submit: {}}
MENU.each do |command|
command_name = command.keys.first
command_options = command.values.first
require_relative "cli/commands/#{command_name}"
register(command_name.to_s, const_get("#{command_name.capitalize}"), aliases: command_options.fetch(:aliases, []))
Just put all your command subclasses in your commands directory and they will automatically register. You could even take the MENU
constant out of my code and abstract that to class variables or a class method that this could also call to infer the menu entirely from the presence of command classes. You could do the same for submenus by putting them in folders named after their parent menu.
Happy to document this more and even submit a PR to add this functionality if it’s desired.
Thanks for all the code <3